The best success story of our journey of past 8 years

So, my study abroad journey started after my graduation in the year 2023. At that time, I was very confused and didn’t knew from where to start, but I was eager to pursue my studies abroad. I was in touch with Hiren Bhaiya and I had a conversation with him regarding the same. I had a good talk and with that I started my process with Ayana Academy. To be honest, at that time I lacked confidence and used to overthink unnecessarily. I started taking counselling sessions per week and today I can say those sessions were the crucial part of this process. In counselling, Hiren bhaiya not only helped me with my process and queries but also to overcome my weaknesses and fears. Gradually, I started working upon myself with the advice he gave me and the big thing is after a few months I started to see changes in myself, the underconfident and overthinking me was long gone.With the counselling sessions, I was able to select the university of my choice
Review continue…….
which was Victoria University of Wellington and it was no surprise I received the Unconditional Offer Letter directly.Now comes the phase which I was not ready for, the first time we applied for my visa it was rejected. This was a major setback for me and after my rejection I didn’t knew what to do, for a few days I was devastated and confused. I can never forget the support Hiren bhaiya gave me during that time. With his advice and tips, I regained my confidence and re-applied for my visa taking the last rejection as a positive aspect. We discussed and made necessary changes wherever needed and applied again with much more confidence. Finally, the long wait was fruitful I received my AIP (Approved in Principle) on 21st January 2025 without any interview and my visa on 27th January 2025. All the hard work and struggle paid off, the happiness I gained on receiving my visa cannot be compared. I would be happy to share the whole journey and some interesting incidents I faced during my journey but I decided to keep it short and sweet. At last, I would just add no matter how much I say, it’s not enough. I would like to thank Hiren bhaiya as well as my family who supported me during each and every phase of my life. I consider Hiren bhaiya as my friend, family member whatever you can think of. Thanking you again. Much Love.
-Siddharth N
Dear Siddharth,
We are glad and equally feel the ups and down of your process. Your good academic background with proper financing and choice of the university and program all were perfect. The refusal has also puzzled me for two days. But as we always say, we think how we make our students file successful and help them to star journey, I have work closely and eventually we succeeded.
I can only hope students will understand the importance of counselling to meet their dream Of studying abroad.
Family visa USA visitor success story

Overall experience from documents preparation to submission, we received good help from time to time whenever required. The questionnaire prepared by your self proved very much realistic.
Thank you Aayana Academy
-Trivedi Family